Thank you for your generosity!
to give, please click the button below
There are two easy methods to give online:
Click the above button to access the giving page.
Using the phone app: Download the Church Center app and search for Faith Community Church (use 98445 for the postal code).
Each of these methods has a user-friendly setup process, but you can also click here to watch a helpful 1-minute video about the process.
Note: As you probably know, credit card companies charge transaction fees. The church pays these fees from the money that people give, and those fees can add up (2.2%, plus $.30 for each transaction). As you give via credit card, you'll have the option to increase your donation so that the church can use the full amount that you had intended to give. Better yet, if you link your giving account to your bank account, the fee is only $.30 per transaction.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”