As a church we believe that God doesn’t save us for our comfort but for mission. We want to be like the first church recorded in Acts 2:47 “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
There are only two things we won’t be able to do in Heaven: 1. Sin and 2. Help people who are trying to make life work apart from Jesus discover his love, forgiveness and purpose for them. We want to be all about #2!
So the 12X12X12 Challenge is a simple tool to help us focus on what matters most.
12 = Pray at noon or midnight for people you know who need the Lord (Set a silent alarm on your phone)
12 = Invite 12 people to church or some other function that will help them move closer to Jesus
12 = A minimum of 12 people being baptized this year as they go public with their faith in Jesus
All of us can pray and invite. Those are totally doable. The rest is up to God. But we believe that as God’s people pray and invite and care for those around them then the excitement of people coming to Jesus and being baptized will take care of itself! Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? So are you in?